Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Adelante Express: ESL Student Finds Work
Alberto, a Level 2 ESL student on Thursday morning, has been without work for some time. At the end of class for the past 3 or 4 weeks the class prayed for this need. In the meantime, Jason mentioned this to an ESL volunteer who was able to inform him of a job opening at a local supermarket. Jason accompanied Alberto to an interview conducted in English, with which Jason did not assist him, and he was hired on the spot!
Prayer requests
As winter draws to an end, many of our participants’ financial resources are dwindling. Pray that they’ll make especially wise financial decisions, and that we, as staff and volunteers, will be able to offer encouragement and guidance in this area.
Pray for Megan McDermott, who has begun fundraising for her summer internship with Kids Adelante.
Elaine, who recently became a believer through Mission Adelante Bible studies, shared that as a result of her encouragement, her husband Juan has begun reading the Bible for the first time this week! Pray that his hunger for the word will grow strong and that their marriage will become centered on Christ.
As always, thank you for your role in ministry, which brings about tangible improvement and bears eternal fruit in the lives of those we serve!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Adelante Express: New Kids Adelante Location
A spacious new Kids Adelante location
The first Kids Adelante meeting at the new facility went great with 33 kids in attendance! They were able to spread out in the entire north room to play games, and they were noisy during large group time without disrupting the ESL class that meets in the south room. For their small group lesson time, they occupied two additional rooms and enjoyed the ample space!
Unexpected small group growth
Young Declan Schoff has already affected small group Bible Study growth in a positive way! The Schoff’s group relocated to participants Mario & Veronica’s house and later to Alejandro & Elena’s house to allow for a few quiet weeks for Megan & Declan at home. These are the first occasions that small groups have been held in Hispanics’ homes, and the hosts have responded by inviting personal friends, who have attended, feeling comfortable in their own friends’ homes. We marvel at this new stage of Hispanics inviting Hispanics!
ESL students share prayer requests
Five people at ESL Level 2, led by Seth Sears, shared prayer requests last Thursday, including 4 students and one volunteer. Two of the students specifically asked for prayer for their high school-aged kids who are rebelling and wandering from God. They asked that we pray for God to protect them and bring them back to him. Seth says, “It was a real encouragement for them to be transparent with us!”
Also, Monica, a faithful ESL Level 1 student, shared a prayer request for her health with Jason. Apparently, she has facial paralysis. This is sometimes called Bells Palsy and is a viral illness. It may last up to a couple months and causes a person's lip and eye to droop to one side of their face.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Adelante Express: Consistency in Student Attendance
Faithfulness plus Enthusiasm Equals Consistent Students
We’re in the fourth week of the trimester, and we’re finding the students’ attendance to be increasingly consistent by the trimester. This is due much in part to your faithfulness and enthusiasm!
Kids Adelante reaching neighborhood kids
Thirty or more kids have attended Kids Adelante every week so far. Jarrett reports that each of the four age groups has good balance and that the volunteers are doing an outstanding job leading them. It has been exciting for him to see a boy named Eric in the oldest age group attend repeatedly with his friend Agustin, although his parents are not connected with the ministry. Also,
A pivotal moment for the ministry occurred Sunday night as our monthly Worship Celebration was transitioned to meeting at the facility. Families assembled in rows of chairs set up in the south hall resembled a church gathering. Jarrett taught about Christian service and then we took the first big step in the process of mobilizing Hispanic volunteers: we divided up and launched three teams including Spiritual Growth, Practical Service, and Sunday-night Children’s Ministry. Please pray for momentum and member ownership of these new teams.
A Prayer Request-Stolen Truck
Also, a truck belonging to Yolanda, ESL level 3, and Lorenzo, ESL level 1 was stolen last week. It has been found, but was stripped of parts. Please pray for resolution of the matter in their favor with their insurance company.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Adelante Express: Schoffs Welcome Their First Son
If you haven’t already heard the news, Declan Neal Schoff was born on Wednesday, January 30 just before 11:00 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs, 4 ozs and measured 21 inches long at birth. He is healthy and Megan is feeling pretty good. I heard Jason comment several times, “I am very blessed” today at the office.