Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Adelante Express: ESL Student Finds Work

ESL Student finds work
Alberto, a Level 2 ESL student on Thursday morning, has been without work for some time. At the end of class for the past 3 or 4 weeks the class prayed for this need. In the meantime, Jason mentioned this to an ESL volunteer who was able to inform him of a job opening at a local supermarket. Jason accompanied Alberto to an interview conducted in English, with which Jason did not assist him, and he was hired on the spot!

Prayer requests
As winter draws to an end, many of our participants’ financial resources are dwindling. Pray that they’ll make especially wise financial decisions, and that we, as staff and volunteers, will be able to offer encouragement and guidance in this area.

Pray for Megan McDermott, who has begun fundraising for her summer internship with Kids Adelante.

Elaine, who recently became a believer through Mission Adelante Bible studies, shared that as a result of her encouragement, her husband Juan has begun reading the Bible for the first time this week! Pray that his hunger for the word will grow strong and that their marriage will become centered on Christ.

As always, thank you for your role in ministry, which brings about tangible improvement and bears eternal fruit in the lives of those we serve!

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