Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Power of a Praying Wife

The Power of a Praying Wife

Elaine Flores, the co-owner of the famous PaleterĂ­a Michoacana (the ice cream shop where we first began to build relationships in the neighborhood), received Christ about a year ago through her involvement in one of Mission Adelante’s Bible studies. We had known Elaine and befriended her from early on in our time in this neighborhood. In fact, at the close of 2005, I had the privilege of performing Elaine and Juan’s wedding…in their ice cream shop. It was a unique experience to say the least, but from that time I have seen how the Lord has been at work in their lives.

Initially, Juan and Elaine were both open to talking about spiritual things, but had reservations about following Jesus. Through family members who had begun seeking the Lord, God brought Elaine to the place where she was ready to receive the gift and begin living her life as a child a God. Kristen had the opportunity to disciple Elaine as she began to grow, but her husband Juan kept his distance. Kristen and Elaine met nearly weekly for several months and Elaine often prayed for Juan.

Last week, after over a year of being prayed for by his wife, Juan finally took the big step of coming to our Bible study because HE wanted to. Please pray with us for Juan as he begins investigating what it means to be a follower of Christ. And all of you wives out there whose husbands haven’t yet decided to follow the Lord, remember; your changed life and your prayers may be what God uses to draw your husband into a relationship with Jesus! We all celebrated inside with Elaine and sat in amazement as Juan shared that his wife’s faith and life-change had caused him to consider the claims of Christ.

In Other News:
  • Buy Royal’s tickets to the May 16th game or the June 30th game and support Mission Adelante! When you purchase through the "buy tickets" link below, a portion of the proceeds will go to help us hire Megan McDermott as our Kids Adelante Director!

Prayer Requests
  • Please pray for Mission Adelante’s first baptism service scheduled for April 5th. Pray for those who have decided to be baptized as well as for those who are still considering it. Pray that the Lord will give us a real sense of celebration as a community and will galvanize the heart commitments of those new believers taking this important step.
  • Please pray for our Leaders in training program as we enter the final month of our pilot year. Pray that the kids and volunteers would finish strong. Pray that the Lord would solidify permanent life change in the kids.
Current Needs
  • Diapers, wipes and baby items
  • Staple Food items like rice, beans, sugar and cooking oil
  • Praise God for a donation of 300 lbs. of rice, beans, sugar and flour

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