Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thankful for Jason and Megan Schoff

by Jarrett Meek, Pastor/Executive Director

After more than eight years of faithful service, first as a volunteer, and then as a staff member, Jason Schoff will be transitioning from his role as Director of Latino Outreach as of January 31st. The Schoffs began their journey with Mission Adelante as a part of our initial launch team in 2005 and have served faithfully from that time until now.  Many times over the past eight years Jason and I have leaned on one another for support and have celebrated personal and ministry victories together.  Jason has been involved in every stage of Mission Adelante’s development as a positive team player and a significant contributor to our mission and vision.  We have experienced the ups and downs of building a ministry together.  It is an understatement to say that I will miss Jason’s steady and reliable hand as a ministry partner.

Mission Adelante as a ministry will also miss Jason’s leadership in many ways.  The direction he provided for the Latino ESL program, his house church, and as a part of the staff leadership team are significant contributions that cannot be overlooked.  His role on our staff as “big brother” to newer staff members is an intangible value he added on a day-to-day basis.  The practical, in-the-trenches support he offered to so many members of our community as they walked through difficult situations has made a real impact in many, many lives. While we will miss Jason's staff-level ministry involvement, we are grateful that Megan and Jason will continue as a part of our community even after his employment with Mission Adelante comes to an end.  It can often be difficult to transition from leader to participant in a ministry context, so we are praying that as a community we will know how to give them the space they need to make this transition effectively and in a way that is healthy for their family.

We are thankful for the critical role Jason and Megan have played in our ministry over the years, and for those of you who supported their ministry with Mission Adelante.  Please join us in praying for, encouraging, and supporting the Schoffs as they take their next steps as a family, and as Jason moves into a new phase vocationally.

In other news:

  • We're presently giving special attention to equipping and empowering emerging Bhutanese teen leaders for ministry. On Thursday we had the first Student Leadership Team meeting of the year. We worshiped and prayed together and began planning for this trimester’s teens club program. The teens had lots of ideas to contribute, and are growing in their leadership skills.
  • A refugee owned business in our neighborhood is seeking a new location to expand operations. The couple feels a clear calling from God to use their business as a tool for ministry and it is exciting to listen to their dreams for their community. God continues to build friendships in our community that turn into partnerships for Him!

Prayer needs:

  • Please pray that God will provide enough work for the Bhutanese families in our community.
  • As we finalize Teen leadership program participants, please pray that God will prepare parents' hearts to be willing to allow their children's participation in the program--especially the internship portion--and to see the value in it.
  • Adelante Thrift continues to negotiate a possible space for the thrift store. Please continue to pray for the Adelante Thrift board as they seek God's wisdom and guidance during this important step.

Current needs:

  • Both Leaders in Training (our after-school tutoring program) and Kids Adelante (our Outreach Bible Study) are still looking for some dynamic volunteers to work with the kiddos.  There are opportunities to volunteer Monday-Thursday.  Please contact Megan at if you are interested.
  • Foosball is one of the most popular games at our kids events any given week.  After multiple years of service our foosball tables have begun to show their age.  We are looking for a foosball table in good condition (all players and table legs in working order) to be used in our kids room every week.  If you have one you would be willing to donate please contact Kristen Maxwell at
  • Bhutanese Kids Club could still use a few more helping hands!  We are in need of 3 more volunteers for our spring trimester.  If you are interested in learning more please contact Kristen Maxwell at

Important Dates:
  • Child Protection Meeting--Saturday, February 22 at 9:00 a.m. All volunteers that serve the kids and youth of Mission Adelante should attend.

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